Related Initiatives
Developing and sustaining whole child education grounded in the science of learning and development (SoLD) requires both a new policy agenda and comprehensive systems change. The Whole Child Policy Toolkit aims to tackle the first piece of this work by supporting states in adopting a whole child policy approach. Other initiatives are also underway to transform the education and other youth-serving systems to better reflect what the field knows about how children learn and develop.

The SoLD Alliance aims to make the science of learning and development a deeply understood, widely held, and actionable driver of equity and excellence in education systems—to ensure that all young people, no matter who or where they are, benefit from effective, high-quality, continuously improving learning environments that are designed to unleash and realize everyone’s potential for success in school and in life.

Design Principles for Schools and Design Principles for Community-Based Settings provide frameworks to guide the transformation of k–12 and community-based learning settings and illustrate how practitioners can implement practices and structures that support whole child learning and development.

Educator Preparation Laboratory (EdPrepLab) aims to strengthen educator preparation in the United States by developing and sharing expertise within a network of pioneering teacher and leader preparation programs and with the wider field, building a thriving community of practice, and fostering well-informed collaboration between preparation programs, school districts, and state and federal policymakers.