This library curates resources aligned with whole child policy and systems design. If you have a resource you would like to share, please submit it using this form.
Displaying 1 - 397 of 397 resources
Setting a Whole Child Vision
Convene a Diverse Set of Stakeholders to Develop a Statewide Whole Child Vision
Are Graduate Profiles a Fad? Or a Real Fix?
(Future Focused Education)
In addition to creating graduate profiles, this article highlights the importance of including other characteristics that may impact students’ abilities to succeed, such as safety and caring relationships.
Educating the Whole Child: Improving School Climate to Support Student Success
(Learning Policy Institute)
This report summarizes key lessons from the science of learning and development, discusses the implications of these findings for schools, and can be used to establish measures of progress within a whole child vision. The report also provides policy and practice strategies to develop whole child environments.
From a Nation at Risk to a Nation at Hope: Recommendations From the National Commission on Social, Emotional, and Academic Development
(National Commission on Social, Emotional, and Academic Development)
This report discusses the importance of educating the whole child and developing a broad set of skills, mindsets, and habits to succeed that can be used to inform a whole child vision. The report includes a policy agenda that outlines how policy can create the conditions to implement these practices.
The Graduate Profile: A Focus on Outcomes
This article offers a starting point to create a graduate profile and ways to build momentum across school and district efforts.
Participatory Systems Change for Equity: An Inquiry Guide
Participatory systems change involves community members and system leaders collectively working to eliminate systemic oppression and generate systems that promote equity, opportunity, and well-being. This guide features elements of participatory systems change that institutions and organizations can apply depending on local context and locally defined goals.
Redefining Student Success: Organizing Education Systems Around the Knowledge and Skills Students Need to Succeed
(Aurora Institute)
This blog post offers guidance for states to work with communities and stakeholders as they redefine success for students.
Resources to Understand the Science of Learning and Development
(Science of Learning and Development Alliance)
This webpage provides several resources for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to learn more about the science of learning and development.
States Sketch ‘Portraits of a Graduate’
(National Association of State Boards of Education)
This analysis highlights efforts in South Carolina, Utah, Virginia, and Washington to adopt graduate profiles that define the skills and knowledge students should obtain before they graduate high school.
Webinar Series: Transforming State Education Policy Through a Whole Child Approach
(Learning Policy Institute)
This webinar series explores the various elements of whole child policy featured in the Whole Child Policy Toolkit and shares insights from state and district policymakers who have engaged in efforts to shift toward whole child education.
Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC)
(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
This framework focuses on aligning public health, education, and community organizations to support a whole child approach to education. It includes 10 components: physical education and physical activity; nutrition environment and services; health education; social and emotional climate; physical environment; health services; counseling, psychological, and social services; employee wellness; community involvement; and family engagement.
Why Education Needs a “Whole Child” Approach
This article highlights how learning environments that foster positive relationships and provide opportunities to develop an array of skills can support student achievement, supporting the need for a whole child vision.
Setting a Whole Child Vision
Assess Conditions for Learning and Development for Children and Youth
50-State Comparison: Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems
(Education Commission of the States)
This resource provides information on state policies related to statewide longitudinal data systems.
A Conceptual Framework for Data-Driven Decision Making
This framework provides guidance on data-driven decision making in education across four categories: a theory of action, organizational supports, decision makers and their data needs, and identifying relevant and diagnostic data.
Data Quality Campaign’s Data Use Resources
(Data Quality Campaign)
This webpage offers several resources, such as fact sheets, reports, and infographics, for policymakers to make data more accessible for families/caregivers and communities.
GradNation Annual Report
(Everyone Graduates Center at Johns Hopkins University)
This website provides national and state-by-state high school graduation rate data and resources on raising high school graduation rates for all students.
Kids Count Data Center
(Annie E. Casey Foundation)
This database provides comprehensive data on the conditions and well-being of children and families nationally and by state.
Making ESSA’s Equity Promise Real: State Strategies to Close the Opportunity Gap
(Learning Policy Institute)
This report shows how a number of states are taking advantage of opportunities in the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) to address disparities, make schools more inclusive, and help all students succeed.
Mining Data to Advance Equity
(Learning Policy Institute)
This blog post by LPI Policy Advisor Stephen Kostyo examines how states, districts, and schools can use data to better understand disparities and implement research-based strategies to address identified needs.
School-Community Partnerships: Joining Forces to Support the Learning and Development of All Students
(National Commission on Social, Emotional, and Academic Development)
This brief is the third in a series of reports that highlights promising practices to support social, emotional, and academic development. The brief provides several examples of how some districts and cities have partnered with schools, youth development programs, city agencies, and other community-based nonprofits to support this work.
A Toolkit for Centering Racial Equity Throughout Data Integration
(Actionable Intelligence for Social Policy)
This toolkit explores ways to center racial equity across several stages of data integration, including planning, data collection, data access, use of algorithms and statistical tools, data analysis, and reporting and dissemination.
Setting a Whole Child Vision
Establish Coordinating Bodies to Advance the Whole Child Vision
2020 State Policy Survey: Child & Youth Policy Coordinating Bodies in the United States
(The Forum for Youth Investment)
This biennial survey is the nation’s only survey of state child and youth policy coordinating bodies – offering detailed insights to those who work to serve youth.
Building Partnerships in Support of Where, When, & How Learning Happens
(National Commission on Social, Emotional, and Academic Development)
This brief summarizes ways educators, policymakers, and funders can partner with youth development organizations to create learning environments that support growth and development in and out of school.
Children’s Cabinet Playbook
(The Forum for Youth Investment)
This playbook describes best practices for children’s cabinets to align people, data, evidence, and funding.
Children’s Cabinet Toolkit: A Roadmap for Getting Started in Your Community
(The Forum for Youth Investment; Children’s Funding Project; Education Redesign Lab)
This toolkit, designed for mayors and their staff, provides information and resources to launch a children’s cabinet in their communities.
A Governor’s Guide to Children’s Cabinets
(NGA Center for Best Practices)
This guide is a roadmap for governors and their staff who are interested in creating a children’s cabinet. It includes case studies of two long-standing cabinets, in Louisiana and West Virginia.
Local Children’s Cabinet Network
(The Forum for Youth Investment)
This network brings together members of local children’s cabinets to learn from experts and one another about how children’s cabinets can be a tool for improving systems-level governance and population-level outcomes.
School-Community Partnerships: Joining Forces to Support the Learning and Development of All Students
(National Commission on Social, Emotional, and Academic Development)
This brief is the third in a series of reports that highlights promising practices to support social, emotional, and academic development. The brief provides several examples of how some districts and cities have partnered with schools, youth development programs, city agencies, and other community-based nonprofits to support this work.
Setting the Right Conditions for Learning: How State Leaders and Partners Can Work Together to Meet the Comprehensive Needs of Students
(Council of Chief State School Officers)
This resource examines how states can partner with other state and community agencies and organizations that are working to address homelessness, food insecurity, mental health, and health and wellness, offering examples of how some states are addressing these challenges.
State Children’s Cabinet Networks
(The Forum for Youth Investment)
This resource describes a network of directors, staff, and members of state children’s cabinets that brings leaders together to assess and align policies across systems and levels of government.
Transforming Learning Environments
Support Relationship-Centered Learning Environments
Are Graduate Profiles a Fad? Or a Real Fix?
(Future Focused Education)
In addition to creating graduate profiles, this article highlights the importance of including other characteristics that may impact students’ abilities to succeed, such as safety and caring relationships.
Classroom Looping: What It Is and Why Schools Should Consider It
(Mimio Educator)
This short blog post from 2016 discusses the benefits of looping, in which students stay with the same teacher for multiple years.
Design Principles for Schools: Putting the Science of Learning and Development Into Action
(Learning Policy Institute; Turnaround for Children)
This online playbook from LPI and Turnaround for Children, in partnership with the Forum for Youth Investment and in association with the SoLD Alliance, translates the science of learning and development and the experience of practitioners into principles for redesigning schools to support whole child education.
Designing Advisory Systems: Innovative Approaches From High Schools
This series of case studies highlights five high schools that are using advisory systems to support relationship building and academic success.
Developing State and District Parent Engagement Policies
(National Association of State Boards of Education)
This NASBE policy update examines opportunities for state leaders to support and improve parent and family engagement in schools.
The Dual Capacity-Building Framework for Family-School Partnerships (Version 2)
(Dual Capacity)
This framework was designed to help districts and schools chart a path toward effective family engagement efforts.
Finding Time for Collaboration
This resource compiles examples of creative ways that schools throughout the country have made or found time for shared reflection and collaboration among teachers.
Five Tips for Teaching Advisory Classes at Your School
(Greater Good Magazine)
This 2017 article discusses the importance of advisory periods for relationship building as well as how to structure them into meaningful learning opportunities.
How Connecticut’s Home Visit Program Improved Chronic Absenteeism
(Education Commission of the States)
This blog explores Connecticut’s Learner Attendance and Engagement Program, which leveraged COVID relief funds to address chronic absenteeism through home visits.
How Learning Happens
This video series illustrates strategies that enact the science of learning and development in schools and includes a set of videos focused on fostering positive relationships.
How the Science of Learning and Development Can Transform Education
(Science of Learning and Development Alliance)
This brief summarizes key findings from the science of learning and development and how education systems can transform learning opportunities for students.
In the Loop
This article summarizes research on looping and discusses some concerns and obstacles to implementation.
It’s About Time: Organizing Schools for Teacher Collaboration and Learning
(Stanford Center for Opportunity Policy in Education)
This report details the benefits and challenges of creating time and capacity for teacher collaboration and shared learning, along with how Hillsdale High School redesigned its master schedule to facilitate the school’s collective mission and goals to support collaboration and relationships.
Redesign Schools for Stronger Relationships
(Learning Policy Institute)
This section of the Restarting and Reinventing School: Learning in the Time of COVID and Beyond report addresses how educators and policymakers can redesign schools for strong relationships.
Resources to Foster Relationships in Schools
(Greater Good Science Center)
This webpage provides several resources to foster positive peer relationships, teacher–student relationships, staff relationships, and family and community relationships.
Reunite, Renew, and Thrive: Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Roadmap for Reopening School
(Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning)
These roadmaps for school leaders and leadership teams identify four critical practices to foster the skills and learning environments that students and adults need when planning for the transition back to school and how to continue using those practices throughout the school year.
School-Community Partnerships: Joining Forces to Support the Learning and Development of All Students
(National Commission on Social, Emotional, and Academic Development)
This brief is the third in a series of reports that highlights promising practices to support social, emotional, and academic development. The brief provides several examples of how some districts and cities have partnered with schools, youth development programs, city agencies, and other community-based nonprofits to support this work.
SEL with Families and Caregivers
(Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning)
This webpage offers several resources on building school-family relationships and tools to help schools develop these two-way partnerships.
State Policies to Enhance Transitions Into Kindergarten
(Education Commission of the States)
Currently, less than half of states have policies that guide the kindergarten transition for school leaders and families. This resource provides an overview of strategies for the pre-k to kindergarten transition and draws on examples from nine states.
Toolkit: Connected Professional Learning Teachers
This toolkit covers strategic practices, how to organize resources, and where to get started to shift school systems to engage teachers in effective connected learning.
Transitions and Alignment From Preschool to Kindergarten
(Education Commission of the States)
This report outlines two key elements that states can consider when thinking about how to create effective transitions and alignment, providing several examples of how some states are engaging in this work.
Using ESSER Funds for Building Strong Relationships and Social-Emotional Supports
(Education Research Strategies)
This guide examines how districts and schools can use resources to ensure students have a network of strong relationships and social-emotional supports to learn and thrive.
Webinar: Strategies for Addressing the Comprehensive Needs of Students and Families Through Community Schools and Wraparound Supports
(National Governors Association)
At this webinar, national experts on the topics of community schools and integrated student supports discussed how community schools and wraparound supports can serve as models for collaborative leadership and family-community engagement.
Webinar: Strategies for Parent, Family, Student, and Community Engagement With K–12 Schools
(National Governors Association)
At this webinar, national experts on the topic of school-family engagement explained research in this field, offered recommendations for state policy leaders, and highlighted innovative and evidence-based models that have been successful across the country.
Transforming Learning Environments
Foster Safe and Inclusive Learning Environments
Building a Belonging Classroom
This video provides insight on creating and maintaining positive, affirming environments that foster a strong sense of belonging.
Building a Positive School Climate
(Learning Policy Institute)
This policy brief is part of a larger report, Making ESSA’s Equity Promise Real: State Strategies to Close the Opportunity Gap, that focuses on state efforts to build positive school climates and provides policy considerations and resources to help schools improve their climates.
Building School Communities for Students Living in Deep Poverty
(Learning Policy Institute)
This report suggests three evidence-based strategies that can help educators, in collaboration with families and communities, to create learning environments in which students living in deep poverty are supported and successful.
Building Trauma-Informed School Systems
(National Association of State Boards of Education)
This policy analysis highlights ways states can embed trauma-informed practices in mandated teacher training to support educators in developing the knowledge and skills to address student needs and attend to their own well-being.
California’s Students in Foster Care: Challenges and Promising Practices
(Learning Policy Institute)
This report sheds light on the needs, characteristics, and outcomes of California students living in foster care and promising practices to better support them.
Creating Cultures of Care: Supporting the Whole Child Through Trauma-Informed Practice
(America’s Promise Alliance)
This resource addresses how trauma-informed practices support positive youth development and highlights how two communities are putting this work into action.
Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain
(Zaretta Hammond)
This book offers an approach for designing and implementing culturally responsive instruction consistent with research on brain development and neuroscience.
Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy Honors the Humanity and Identity of Young People
(Education Week)
This blog post is part of a four-part series on culturally sustaining pedagogy and provides the perspectives of four educators on specific ways to be more culturally responsive and culturally sustaining.
Gauging School Climate
(National Association of State Boards of Education)
This issue of NASBE’s State Education Standard underscores how state policymakers and education leaders can plan now to create safe, supportive learning environments for the return of students and teachers to full-time in-person instruction post-COVID-19.
How States Are Handling Lead in School Drinking Water
(National Association of State Boards of Education)
This report details statewide efforts to test for lead in school drinking water, including mandatory versus voluntary testing efforts, types of tests, and common challenges of testing.
How to Help All Students Feel Safe to Be Themselves
(Learning Policy Institute)
This blog post explores the importance of creating identity-safe classrooms and building positive relationships between teachers and students that encourage a sense of belonging and trust among students.
Identity Safe Classrooms and Schools
(Learning for Justice)
This article is part of a three-part series that links implicit bias, stereotype threat, and identity safety and describes practices educators can draw upon to build identity-safe classrooms and schools.
Measuring School Climate and Social and Emotional Learning and Development: A Navigation Guide for States and Districts
(EducationCounsel; Council of Chief State School Officers)
This guide aims to support states and districts in making decisions on measures related to social and emotional learning and school climate, how measures can be used, and key considerations.
National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments website
(U.S. Department of Education)
This website provides several resources for states, districts, and schools on improving school climate and conditions for learning.
Resources for Meeting the Needs of Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness
(SchoolHouse Connection)
This webpage provides guides, checklists, and strategies for meeting the needs of children and youth experiencing homelessness.
The Role of Schools in Racial Justice
(National Association of State Boards of Education)
Because they are central to redressing the country’s long-standing racial inequities, public schools have long been at the nexus of fraught debates over what constitutes equity. The authors in this issue of NASBE’s State Education Standard address how schools can progress toward equity and racial justice.
Safe Space Kit
This guide to support lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) students in schools provides steps for schools to build safe spaces as well as resources to help students become allies to LGBTQ students.
School and Classroom Climate Measures: Considerations for Use by State and Local Education Leaders
(RAND Corporation)
This report features a list of resources and databases that focus explicitly on climate measures and provides broad guidance regarding assessment of climate and social and emotional learning.
State Leadership in Creating Safe, Supportive Learning Environments
(National Association of State Boards of Education)
This webinar features experts in policy, research, and state-level programming in discussion about state leadership in creating healthy and supportive learning environments for all students and the latest policy trends.
Strategies for Success: Supporting Students Experiencing Homelessness
(Civic; Education Leads Home)
This report is based on interviews with educators in Michigan, Montana, New Hampshire, Texas, and Virginia to identify strategies schools and districts are using to mitigate the challenges of students experiencing homelessness.
Student Safety and Wellness
(National Association of State Boards of Education)
This issue of NASBE’s State Education Standard explores topics that intersect with student safety and wellness, including students’ physical, mental, social, and emotional health and the quality of their learning environments.
Supporting Inclusive Schools for the Success of Each Child: A Guide for States on Principal Leadership
(Council of Chief State School Officers; Collaboration for Effective Educator Development, Accountability, and Reform Center)
This guide outlines how states can establish a vision for effective, inclusive principal leadership and advance statewide policies to improve outcomes for all students.
Trauma-Informed SEL Toolkit
(Transforming Education)
This toolkit provides information about how trauma impacts students, strategies educators can implement in the classroom, secondary traumatic stress, and strategies for educator self-care.
Walking a Fine Line: School Climate Surveys in State ESSA Plans
This report examines state accountability plans to analyze how states are using school climate surveys.
Transforming Learning Environments
Adopt Restorative Approaches to Discipline
50-State Comparison: School Discipline Policies
(Education Commission of the States)
This 50-state comparison shows how states approach school discipline policies. The scan includes individual state profiles that provide information on several topics, such as what may or must happen for a student to be suspended or expelled, what limitations are placed on the use of suspension, and whether corporal punishment is permitted.
Advancing School Discipline Reform
(National Association of State Boards of Education)
This report addresses current discipline practices, which are often punitive and exclusionary, and their impact on student achievement and school climate.
Critical Questions and Steps for Leaders to Reduce or End School-Based Policing
(Bellwether Education Partners)
This resource provides guiding questions and next steps for school and district leaders who are rethinking their relationships with law enforcement.
Disciplined and Disconnected: How Students Experience Exclusionary Discipline in Minnesota and the Promise of Non-Exclusionary Alternatives
(America’s Promise Alliance)
This report provides in-depth information on exclusionary discipline and focuses on the landscape in Minnesota.
Enhancing School-Based Health Services
(National Association of State Boards of Education)
This analysis highlights ways states are taking advantage of federal funding streams to expand school-based health services and offers questions state leaders can ask to elevate this issue.
Fostering Belonging, Transforming Schools: The Impact of Restorative Practices
(Learning Policy Institute)
This report examines how student exposure to restorative practices affects academic, disciplinary, behavioral, and health outcomes, and explores restorative practices’ potential to reduce racial disparities in exclusionary discipline and academic achievement.
Lost Opportunities: How Disparate School Discipline Continues to Drive Differences in the Opportunity to Learn
(Learning Policy Institute; UCLA Civil Rights Project)
This report captures the impact of out-of-school suspensions on instructional time for middle and high school students. The findings include details for every state and district, uncovering high rates and wide disparities for students of color and students with disabilities.
Model School Code on Education and Dignity
(Dignity in Schools)
The Model Code toolkit is organized into five chapters: (1) Education; (2) Participation; (3) Dignity; (4) Freedom From Discrimination; and (5) Data, Monitoring, and Accountability. Each of these chapters addresses a key component of providing a quality education and reflects core human rights principles and values. Each chapter includes recommended policies for states, districts, and schools.
National Organizations Call for Rigorous Training and Appropriate Use of School Resource Officers
(National Association of School Psychologists)
This framework, authored and cosigned by national organizations representing school counselors and psychologists, principals, social workers, and school resource officers, provides recommendations for improving school safety and increasing access to mental health supports for children and youth.
Pushed Out: Trends and Disparities in Out-of-School Suspension
(Learning Policy Institute)
This report examines out-of-school suspension data from the Civil Rights Data Collection to track trends over time, assess differences in suspension rates, and explore the ways in which changes in suspension rates may be related to changes in policy.
Resources to Advance K–12 Racial Equity
(National Conference of State Legislatures)
This webpage provides information on state legislative action across several topics related to racial justice, including racial justice curriculum and standards, the school to prison pipeline, and police in schools.
A Restorative Approach for Equitable Education
(Learning Policy Institute)
In this brief, LPI describes how schools can ameliorate—rather than exacerbate—racial inequities with research-based practices that advance a restorative approach to schooling.
Restorative Practices: Fostering Healthy Relationships & Promoting Positive Discipline in Schools
(Schott Foundation; Advancement Project; American Federation of Teachers; National Education Association; National Opportunity to Learn Campaign)
This toolkit provides examples of restorative practices, implementation tips and strategies, and examples from school districts.
School Discipline Consensus Report: Strategies From the Field to Keep Students Engaged in School and Out of the Juvenile Justice System
(Council of State Governments Justice Center)
This report examines ways to improve school discipline systems and serves as a guide for education leaders and other school and community partners who want to collaborate to create safe and engaging learning environments.
School Discipline in Preschool Through Grade 3
(National Conference of State Legislatures)
This brief provides information on state and federal legislative action on discipline for students in preschool through third grade.
Want Safe Schools? Start With Research-Based School Discipline Policies
(Linda Darling-Hammond)
This article discusses the lack of evidence-based research supporting harsh disciplinary policies and guns in schools and emphasizes the effectiveness of restorative practices and other positive discipline policies.
“And They Cared”: How to Create Better, Safer Learning Environments for Girls of Color
(The Education Trust)
This guide provides policymakers with a common language and practices that can be used to reform exclusionary discipline policies and improve school climate for girls of color.
Transforming Learning Environments
Establish Integrated Support Systems
Addressing Education Inequality With a Next Generation of Community Schools: A Blueprint for Mayors, States, and the Federal Government
(Brookings Institution)
This report from the Brookings Institution’s Task Force on Next Generation Assessment highlights seven reasons community schools can address education inequality and four recommendations for federal, state, and local policymakers to advance community schools.
Alliance for a Healthier Generation Resources
(Alliance for a Healthier Generation)
This webpage provides several comprehensive resources, such as model legislation, toolkits, and assessments, to support school wellness.
Beyond the Mask: Promoting Transformation and Healing in School Reopening
(The Center for Law and Social Policy)
In this series of briefs, the Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP) evaluated 37 state plans to understand how schools were addressing student mental health with COVID-19 relief funding. The briefs focus on key components of school-based mental health and include examples of how some states are using funds to invest in these components.
Building Community Schools: A Guide for Action
(National Center for Community Schools
This guide provides information on several topics related to implementing and sustaining community schools, including key elements of community schools, models across the country, and case studies.
Building Systems of Integrated Student Support: A Policy Brief for Local and State Leaders
(America’s Promise Alliance; Center for Thriving Children)
This brief distills insights from research and lessons learned from practitioners to provide leaders at the municipal and state levels with policy recommendations and guidance to advance effective systems of integrated student support.
Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports website
(Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports)
This website provides a range of resources about tiered supports, culturally responsive guides, ways to support families with PBIS at home, and returning to school after the pandemic.
Community Schools as an Effective School Improvement Strategy: A Review of the Evidence
(Learning Policy Institute; National Education Policy Center)
This report synthesizes the findings from 143 rigorous research studies on the impact of community schools on student and school outcomes.
Community Schools Forward
(Center for Universal Education at the Brookings Institution; Children’s Aid National Center for Community Schools; Coalition for Community Schools at the Institute for Educational Leadership; Learning Policy Institute)
In response to growing momentum to implement community schools, the Community Schools Forward project brought together national and local community school practitioners, researchers, policymakers, and advocates to create resources for aligning, scaling, and building effective and sustainable community schools.
Community Schools Online Research Compendium
(National Education Policy Center; Learning Policy Institute)
This online research compendium summarizes 143 studies referenced in the report Community Schools as an Equitable School Improvement Strategy: A Review of the Evidence. It is intended to serve as a resource for policymakers, practitioners, and researchers who are interested in the community schools evidence base.
Community Schools Playbook
(Partnership for the Future of Learning)
This playbook defines the fundamentals of community schools and includes resources grounded in the four pillars of a comprehensive strategy.
Community Schools the New Mexico Way
(Learning Policy Institute)
This report focuses on community schools as an evidence-based approach that can help the state improve the education success of New Mexico children.
Developing Policy to Prevent Youth Suicide
(National Association of State Boards of Education)
Between 2007 and 2017, the suicide rate among young people ages 10–24 rose by 56%, making it the second-leading cause of death in the United States for this age group. This brief explores how states are addressing suicide prevention policy.
Effective Multi-Tiered System of Supports for Whole Child Development Webisode Series
(Council of Chief State School Officers)
This webinar series focuses on the creation of a comprehensive framework to support whole child development that includes equity-focused SEL.
Empowering Youth to Prevent Suicide
(National Association of State Boards of Education)
Emergency room visits from attempted suicides by 12- to 17-year-olds increased by 31% during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. NASBE’s analysis urges states to prioritize policies that leverage peer-to-peer support to increase the impact of their overall youth suicide prevention strategies.
Enhancing School Capacity to Support Children’s Mental Health
(National Conference of State Legislatures)
This report emphasizes that students are experiencing an uptick of anxiety, depression, and trauma and discusses the various ways that states, schools, and educators are addressing the mental health needs of students.
Equity in Rural Education
(National Association of State Boards of Education)
The January 2021 issue of The State Education Standard explores many of the challenges facing rural schools: a lack of resources, cultural and virtual isolation, poverty and demographic trends, educator recruitment and retention, and risks to student health and well-being.
Glossary of Student Mental Wellness Concepts
(Education Commission of the States)
To help inform policymaking, this resource defines several common terms related to child development, mental health, and school-based health services, such as toxic stress, adverse childhood experiences, whole child approaches, and trauma-informed approaches.
Guide to Conducting a Needs Assessment for American Indian Students
(Institute of Education Sciences)
This guide aims to support state and local education agencies in conducting a needs assessment to understand the strengths and needs of schools serving American Indian students.
How to Work With Community Partners
(Center for Optimized Student Support)
This practice brief outlines effective practices for referring students to community services, including how to recognize student needs, collaborate with families/guardians, identify community partners, establish relationships, anticipate barriers, and follow up on referrals.
Integrated Student Supports State Policy Toolkit
(Center for Optimized Student Support; Communities in Schools)
This toolkit provides guidance for state policymakers and state education agencies to develop legislation that establishes a protocol for integrated student supports.
Integrating Social and Emotional Learning Within a Multi-Tiered System of Supports to Advance Equity: SEL MTSS Toolkit for State and District Leaders
(Council of Chief State School Officers; Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning; American Institutes for Research
This toolkit supports policymakers and other state and district leaders who are interested in engaging in the work of intentional social and emotional learning (SEL) and multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) integration.
Interrupted Instruction
(Education Commission of the States)
This policy brief highlights several state legislative actions that address topics related to interrupted instruction, such as extended learning time, tutoring, and student mental health.
Leveraging Resources Through Community Schools: The Role of Technical Assistance
(Learning Policy Institute)
This brief examines how local government and nonprofit agencies in two California counties—Alameda and Los Angeles—have provided technical assistance to support community school initiatives.
National Center for School Mental Health website
(University of Maryland School of Medicine)
This website offers several guides to support mental health services and supports. These guides focus on eight topics: foundations of school mental health, teaming, needs assessment and resource mapping, mental health screening, mental health promotion for all (tier 1), early intervention and treatment (tiers 2 and 3), funding and sustainability, and impact.
Planning for the Next Normal at School Playbook: Keeping Students, Staff, Teachers, and Families Safe and Healthy
(Kaiser Permanente Thriving Schools)
Several national organizations partnered together to create this playbook that provides a framework to understand, assess, and implement strategies for COVID-19 prevention, social drivers of health, physical activity and physical education, staff and teacher well-being, and mental health and well-being.
Professional Learning Series on Community Schools
(U.S. Department of Education; American Federation of Teachers; Coalition for Community Schools; Learning Policy Institute; National Center for Community Schools; Netter Center for Community Partnerships; National Education Association)
This six-part learning series takes an in-depth look at how community schools can transform student learning and outcomes by lifting up best practices and identifying how federal relief funds have been used to support community schools.
Recent Funding Approaches and Sources for Community Schools
(Child Trends)
This resource identifies sources of federal, state, local, and private funding to community schools and elevates recent research on community schools’ funding approaches and sources.
Reducing the Effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences
(National Conference of State Legislatures)
This brief explores the effects of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and highlights recent state and federal action to address ACEs.
Resources for State and Local Leaders to Support Multi-Tiered Systems of Support
(National Center for Intensive Intervention at American Institutes for Research)
This webpage provides several resources to help state and local leaders who are responsible for leading multi-tiered systems of support and special education initiatives.
Road to Recovery: How States Are Using ESSER Funds to Support Student and Staff Well-Being
(Council of Chief State School Officers)
This report details how states are taking different approaches to using federal Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief funding to support student and staff well-being and mental health in response to the specific needs of their communities.
Rural Health Information Hub website
The website contains a database of resources that can support practitioners who work in rural schools. Specifically, its resources can help leaders, educators, and other school-based personnel to build schools and systems that integrate services in ways that acknowledge and address the unique needs and infrastructure of rural communities.
Scaling Up School and Community Partnerships: The Community Schools Strategy
(Coalition for Community Schools)
This guide is designed to support systemwide expansion of community schools by providing information on the essential characteristics of an effective scaled-up system, strategic process, and examples of communities that have engaged in this work.
Six Questions State Boards Should Ask about Student Mental Health
(National Association of State Boards of Education)
In December 2021, the U.S. surgeon general called for a “swift and coordinated response” to a mental health crisis facing America’s youth and families. NASBE’s analysis offers six key questions state boards of education and other education leaders can ask to address student mental health.
State Policy Database on School Health
(National Association of State Boards of Education)
This database provides information on the landscape of policies across the 10 areas: health education; physical education and physical activity; nutrition environment and services; health services; counseling, psychological, and social services; social and emotional climate; physical environment; employee wellness; family engagement; and community involvement.
Student Mental Health Services Ecosystem
(Education Commission of the States)
To continue to serve policymakers who are deliberating student mental health issues, ECS created these resources, including a brief on state approaches to address student mental health, an infographic of the student mental health services ecosystem, a brief on state funding for student mental health, and a glossary of student mental wellness concepts.
System Change Toolkit
(Center for MH in Schools and Student/Learning Supports at UCLA)
This toolkit provides several resources, ranging from initial implementation to sustaining and scaling-up efforts, to transform student supports into a comprehensive, equitable system.
Technical Assistance for Community Schools: Enabling Strong Implementation
(Learning Policy Institute)
This brief offers examples from the National Center for Community Schools and from New York, New Mexico, and California showing how technical assistance for community schools can build capacity through consultation, training, coaching, and knowledge building.
To Address Student Well-Being, States Increase Access to Mental Health in Schools
(National Conference of State Legislators)
One way legislators have been working to address student well-being has been through legislation that focuses on the ratios of mental health professionals to students. This article covers recent state actions as well as previously enacted legislation.
Using Needs Assessments to Connect Learning + Health: Opportunities in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
(Alliance for a Healthier Generation; Healthy Schools Campaign)
This guide outlines ways that school needs assessments can be used to identify, understand, and address health conditions that are connected to academic performance.
The Whole Child: Building Systems of Integrated Support During and After COVID-19: An Action Guide
(Center for Optimized Student Support)
This guide draws on the sciences of child development and learning and evidence-based approaches to build a more resilient school community through systems of integrated student support.
Transforming Learning Environments
Provide High-Quality Expanded Learning Time
2021 Summer Learning and Enrichment: State Guidance for District and School Leaders
(Council of Chief State School Officers; National Governors Association)
This guide provides a framework for leaders to plan for summer learning and enrichment, including guiding questions to begin planning and resources for students and educators.
Access to Afterschool Programs Remains a Challenge for Many
(Afterschool Alliance)
A survey of parents or guardians of school-age children provides a snapshot of the after-school program landscape, revealing that while children and families with access to after-school programs report high levels of satisfaction, for every child in an after-school program, there are four more who are waiting to get in.
The Afterschool and Community School Connection: Expanding Learning Opportunities and Partnerships
(The Expanded Learning and Afterschool Project)
This excerpt from Expanding Minds and Opportunities: Leveraging the Power of Afterschool and Summer Learning for Student Success offers guidance to strengthen learning opportunities through community school partnerships.
America After 3PM
(Afterschool Alliance)
The Afterschool Alliance’s fourth edition of America After 3PM surveyed 31,055 households and provides a detailed account of children in the afterschool hours, including identifying trends of participation in, and unmet demand for, afterschool programs.
America After 3PM for Native American Families
(The Afterschool Alliance)
This America After 3PM report provides an in-depth look at the afterschool experiences of Native American children and youth, including the availability of afterschool programs and the qualities Native American parents care most about in programs.
American Rescue Plan Resources
(Afterschool Alliance)
The Afterschool Alliance created tools to help afterschool programs tap into American Rescue Plan funds, including templates and talking points for reaching out to education leaders, a chart that breaks down state allocations, and factsheets and templates for engaging stakeholders.
Building Social and Emotional Skills in Afterschool Programs: A Literature Review
(National Conference of State Legislatures)
This literature review examines research on the impact of social and emotional learning (SEL) in afterschool programs, focusing on two main themes: quality programming and SEL’s link to career readiness.
Community Learning Hubs
(Afterschool Alliance)
Community Learning Hubs are community-driven efforts to support students’ learning and well-being, providing safe places to connect to schools, caring adults, and additional services. This guide provides key considerations and lessons learned to inform the robust supports needed for students’ post-pandemic recovery.
Early Lessons From Schools and Out-of-School Time Programs Implementing Social and Emotional Learning
(RAND Corporation)
This report describes findings and early lessons of the Partnerships for Social and Emotional Learning Initiative, an effort to integrate social and emotional learning in school and out-of-school programs.
The Evidence Base for Afterschool and Summer
(Afterschool Alliance)
This research brief synthesizes findings from nearly two dozen evaluations of afterschool and summer programs that demonstrate the positive impact programs have on academics, social and emotional skills and competencies, and well-being to help students re-engage in learning and emerge from the pandemic strong, resilient, and hopeful.
Expanded Learning Programs Are an Essential Part of the School Day: Key Principles for Reopening Schools and Helping Students Recover From COVID-19
(Afterschool Alliance)
This guide highlights nine key principles (school–community partnerships; active and engaged learning; family engagement; intentional programming; diverse, prepared staff; participation and access; safety; health and well-being; and ongoing assessment and improvement) to ensure quality and consistency across expanded learning opportunities.
From Alignment to Action: Nevada’s Work to Expand Developmentally Appropriate Kindergarten Practices
This brief describes the Nevada Department of Education’s efforts to align and strengthen its system of supports for early childhood learning and development.
From Prevention to Diversion: The Role of Afterschool in the Juvenile Justice System
(Afterschool Alliance)
This brief discusses how afterschool and summer learning programs can support the development of protective factors that help keep young people out of the juvenile justice system.
From Risk to Opportunity: Afterschool Programs Keep Kids Safe When Juvenile Crime Peaks
(Council for a Strong America)
This report and set of tools from the Council for a Strong America looks at how access to afterschool programming can prevent juvenile crime while providing opportunities to develop academic and social skills.
From Vision to Action: Transforming Kindergarten into a Sturdy Bridge from Early Learning to K–12 Education
This webinar features insights and lessons learned from participants in the Transforming Kindergarten Collaborative—a year-long opportunity for state education agency leaders to engage in peer-to-peer learning and individualized coaching to address problems of practice related to kindergarten transitions and developmentally appropriate practice.
Healthy Out-of-School Time Roadmaps
(Alliance for a Healthier Generation)
The Alliance for a Healthier Generation provides several roadmaps to inform out-of-school time standards related to several topics, including social supports, program supports, content quality, staff training, and environmental supports.
The Importance of Getting Tutoring Right
(Learning Policy Institute)
This blog post discusses how policymakers can draw upon the most up-to-date research to design tutoring programs that are effective in meeting student needs.
Interrupted Instruction
(Education Commission of the States)
This policy brief highlights several state legislative actions that address topics related to interrupted instruction, such as extended learning time, tutoring, and student mental health.
Investing in Successful Summer Programs: A Review of Evidence Under the Every Student Succeeds Act
(RAND Corporation)
This report provides information about the effectiveness of summer programs for students k–12.
The Promise of Summer as a Time for Teacher Professional Learning: Findings From a National Survey and Implications From the BellXcel Program
(RAND Corporation)
This report examines data from a survey of teachers about their summer professional learning opportunities and offers recommendations for policymakers and educators who are considering summer to provider professional learning.
The Promise of Summer Enrichment Programs and Policies
(National Conference of State Legislatures)
This brief focuses on summer learning programs and how state and federal policies are utilizing summer learning as a tool to reengage students and accelerate learning.
The Science of Learning and Development in Afterschool Systems and Settings
(American Institutes for Research)
This brief describes how the science of learning and development aligns with after-school systems and settings and provides key takeaways that are relevant and actionable for after-school professionals.
Staffing Out of School and Summer Learning Programs
(Council of Chief State School Officers; National Summer Learning Association)
This webinar highlights resources about staffing out of school and summer learning programs and ways to leverage educator development.
Summer Learning and Beyond: Opportunities for Creating Equity
(Learning Policy Institute; Spencer Foundation)
This report provides six design principles for creating intellectually rigorous and equitable learning settings. These principles form a holistic framework for designing goals, practices, and activities for summer learning and beyond.
Time in Pursuit of Education Equity: Promoting Learning Time Reforms That Cross Ideological Divides to Benefit Students Most in Need
This School Administrator article provides implementation lessons that school leaders and policymakers can use as they seek to expand learning time.
Transforming Challenges Into Opportunities: The Role of Expanded Learning Time in Advancing Educational Equity
(Learning Policy Institute)
This LPI blog post describes the benefits of expanded learning initiatives, such as Wide Angle Youth Media, and how expanded learning opportunities have become an essential tool to mitigate inequitable educational outcomes for students.
Redesigning Curriculum, Instruction, Assessments, and Accountability Systems
Promote Rich Learning Experiences
Advancing Math and Science Instruction
(National Association of State Boards of Education)
During the pandemic, math achievement gaps widened, and many students lacked access to high-quality science education and experiential learning. In this edition of NASBE’s State Education Standard, authors examine strategies to address these issues and other challenges to advancing math and science education.
Advisory Councils Seek to ShapeTeaching of Native American History and Culture
(National Association of State Boards of Education)
This NASBE analysis highlights states whose state boards, legislatures, and state education departments have sought to elevate the role of Native American advisory councils in decisions affecting state education policy.
Alternatives to Grade Retention
This blog post by Linda Darling-Hammond explores four alternatives to grade retention to improve teaching and learning.
Competency-Based Learning: Developing Mastery of Skills and Content
This video highlights how one middle school in New Hampshire integrates competency-based practices to support student learning.
Culturally Responsive Education HUB: Research and Policy Resources
(Education Justice Research and Organizing Collaborative at the NYU Metropolitan Center for Research on Equity and the Transformation of Schools)
This webpage offers tools and resources, such as personal narratives and research studies, for learning about culturally responsive education.
Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain
(Zaretta Hammond)
This book offers an approach for designing and implementing culturally responsive instruction consistent with research on brain development and neuroscience.
Deeper Learning in New Hampshire
(National Association of State Boards of Education)
This brief highlights how New Hampshire has created a system focused on 21st-century knowledge and skills through competency-based standards, assessment and accountability systems, and educator support.
Deeper Learning Networks: Taking Student-Centered Learning and Equity to Scale
(Learning Policy Institute)
This report is a cross-case analysis of three networks of schools that have advanced deeper learning.
A Developmental Framework for the Integration of Social and Emotional Learning and Career and Workforce Development
(Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning)
This brief introduces a developmental framework for states working to systematically integrate evidence-based social and emotional learning with career and workforce development efforts.
District Recommendations for How States Can Support SEL
(Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning)
This resource provides seven recommendations for states to support social and emotional learning, including key actions and state examples for each recommendation.
Educating Future-Ready Students
(Civic; Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning; Coalition for Career Development)
This policy road map provides information about how states can design pre-k–12 education to prepare students to be successful by integrating social-emotional learning with career and workforce development.
Emerging Insights From States’ Efforts to Strengthen Social and Emotional Learning
(Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning)
This report outlines eight insights and examples that have emerged from CASEL’s Collaborating States Initiative.
Ensuring an Equitable Opportunity: Providing a High-Quality Education for Students With Disabilities
(Council of Chief State School Officers)
This resource provides information on policy and practice considerations for individualized education programs that state education leaders can use to ensure all students have access to high-quality education.
Equity & Social and Emotional Learning: A Cultural Analysis
(Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning)
This brief examines CASEL’s five social and emotional learning (SEL) competencies through an equity lens.
Equity and Personalized Learning: A Research Review
(Council of Chief State School Officers; New Profit’s Reimagine Education Fund; America Forward)
This literature review examines research on equitable access to personalized learning, which helped inform an accompanying policy brief that discusses considerations for state and local policymakers.
Evidence for Social and Emotional Learning in Schools
(Learning Policy Institute)
This report reviews the findings from 12 independent meta-analyses covering hundreds of studies of school-based social and emotional learning (SEL) programs, finding consistent evidence that SEL programs have a positive impact on student outcomes.
An Examination of Frameworks for Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Reflected in State K–12 Learning Standards
(Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning)
In 2018, 14 states had k–12 standards for social and emotional learning (SEL). This brief examines how each state’s standards aligned with CASEL’s framework and addressed two key aspects of SEL: development and equity considerations.
Expanding High-Quality Work-Based Learning
(Education Commission of the States)
This policy brief identifies several policy considerations to foster high-quality work-based learning.
Fostering Arts-Rich Schools
(National Association of State Boards of Education)
This policy brief provides state policymakers reasons to pay attention to the depth and breadth of instruction their schools offer in music, drama, theater, dance, and media arts—all key components of students’ well-rounded education.
Future-Ready Opportunities to Learn: How State Boards of Education Can Spur Innovation to Prepare Students for Post-Secondary Life
(Learning Policy Institute)
In this blog, Linda Darling-Hammond and Byron Ernest discuss how state boards can adopt innovative educational models that equip students to apply the skills and knowledge they acquire in the classroom to the world beyond.
Gauging Support for Social and Emotional Skill Building
(National Association of State Boards of Education)
To help state boards of education and policymakers learn how to communicate on policies related to social and emotional learning (SEL), NASBE commissioned Edge Research to conduct a survey of community influencers in Connecticut, Illinois, Kansas, Michigan, and Washington to gauge their understanding of SEL and their support for embedding it into k–12 instruction.
Harnessing Service Learning to Build Social, Emotional, and Academic Skills
(National Association of State Boards of Education)
In 2017–18, 37 states and Washington, DC, required or encouraged school districts to offer community service education and service-learning programs. This policy brief highlights how states support service learning and additional opportunities for policymakers.
Honoring Origins and Helping Students Succeed: The Case for Cultural Relevance in High-Quality Instructional Materials
(Chiefs for Change)
This resource highlights how several districts have developed culturally relevant materials and offers recommendations for state and district leaders who want to incorporate cultural relevance into their curricula and instruction.
How Does SEL Support Educational Equity and Excellence?
(Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning)
This webpage outlins how to implement transformative SEL toward equitable learning opportunities and developmental outcomes. It includes a brief on the ways educators are approaching this work.
The Impact of Enhancing Students’ Social and Emotional Learning: A Meta-Analysis of School-Based Universal Interventions
(Child Development)
This meta-analysis of social and emotional learning studies finds an overall positive effect on student achievement and offers four recommended practices.
Inclusive Social Emotional Learning for Students with Disabilities
(National Center for Learning Disabilities)
This webpage provides several resources, including seven principles for serving students with disabilities, a state policy brief, and parent toolkit to help create inclusive and equitable SEL initiatives.
Inequitable Opportunity to Learn: Access to Advanced Mathematics and Science Courses
(Learning Policy Institute)
Closing achievement gaps is dependent on creating equitable access to rigorous courses in math and science for all students. This report analyzes data and offers key policy strategies for increasing student access to advanced courses.
Instructional Practices That Integrate Equity-Centered Social, Emotional, and Academic Learning
(American Institutes for Research; Center to Improve Social and Emotional Learning and School Safety; Harmony SEL)
This brief refines pioneering work on the integration of social and emotional learning with academics and addresses 10 educator practices that promote social, emotional, and academic development.
Integrating Classrooms and Reducing Academic Tracking
(The Century Foundation)
This toolkit focuses on three strategies to support integrated classrooms: schoolwide enrichment, open/embedded honors, and diversifying Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate enrollment. It also provides examples of schools and districts using these strategies.
Interactive Map for SEL Standards and Guidance
(Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning)
This map provides information on competencies, standards, and guidelines for social and emotional learning at both preschool and k–12 levels in all 50 states.
An Introduction to Social and Emotional Learning
(Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning)
This one-hour, virtual course is designed to introduce social and emotional learning to a broad audience—including staff members, parents and caregivers, and community partners—and features reflection prompts, videos, and application activities.
Plans to Catch Students Up After School Shutdowns Risk Creating New Forms of Academic Tracking: This Will Do Even More Harm
(The 74)
This blog post warns against using diagnostic assessment scores to place students into remedial pathways, causing tracking, which can increase segregation and decrease learning opportunities for all students.
The Playbook to Leverage the Power of Communities of Practice
(Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning)
This playbook is designed to support state teams as they work to build and sustain an effective within-state community of practice centered on social-emotional learning. It offers simple, user-friendly guidance that identifies key principles, processes, tools, and resources for implementing a community of practice.
Policy Approaches to Competency-Based Education
(Education Commission of the States)
This policy outline provides a definition of competency-based education and examples of how some states, including Colorado, Idaho, Michigan, New Hampshire, Ohio, South Carolina, and Vermont, are addressing this work.
A Process for Developing and Articulating Learning Goals or Competencies for Social and Emotional Learning
(American Institutes for Research; Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning)
This resource aims to guide state teams in their process to develop policies and guidelines that support the development of social and emotional competencies.
Protecting Education as a Civil Right: Remedying Racial Discrimination and Ensuring High-Quality Education
(Learning Policy Institute)
More than 50 years after Brown v. Board of Education, educational opportunity and achievement gaps in the United States based on race, national origin, class, and neighborhood have endured. In this report, Kimberly Jenkins Robinson explores how existing federal and state laws and policies protect—or fail to protect—education as a civil right and how they can be reformed to better protect educational opportunity for all students.
Ready by Design: The Science (and Art) of Youth Readiness
(The Forum for Youth Investment)
This paper presents the findings of the Forum’s 3-year research effort to locate and synthesize the science of readiness to take on life opportunities and manage challenges. The first section describes the overall science of readiness, and the second dives more deeply into four core components of this science, offering examples of how organizations and communities are putting them to use.
Reimagining Education in a Post-Pandemic World
(National Conference of State Legislatures)
This article summarizes NCSL’s Base Camp session on reimagining education. Speakers included Linda Darling-Hammond and Indiana State Representative Robert Behning.
Reimagining School
(National Association of State Boards of Education)
Bolstered by American Rescue Plan funds and lessons learned during pandemic-induced school closures, state policymakers have an opportunity to reexamine and reform their education systems. NASBE’s State Education Standard offers state leaders ways they can ensure education systems meet the needs of all students and help them succeed.
The Role of Learning Progressions in Competency-Based Pathways
This report on competency-based pathways can help leaders think about how to implement learning progressions (maps) to better personalize teaching, and it provides a series of tools and resources to support their use.
A Scan of State Policies to Support Equitable Social, Emotional, and Academic Development
(Education Trust; Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning)
This national state scan of policies to support equitable social, emotional, and academic development can help state leaders identify how their states are addressing six policy areas: discipline; rigorous and culturally sustaining curriculum; educator diversity; professional development; student, family, and community engagement; and wraparound services.
SEL and Racial Equity
(Committee for Children)
This policy brief examines evidence-based approaches to promote racial equity in social and emotional learning (SEL).
SEL Tools: Learning for Racial Equity, Justice, and Empowerment
(National Urban League)
The Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Tools include seven design principles focused on SEL for equity, justice, and empowerment, as well as accompanying rubrics designed to evaluate approaches related to SEL, social-emotional and academic development, the science of learning and development, and whole child equity.
SHAPE America Standards
(SHAPE America)
This webpage offers several resources, such as guidance on p–12 health education standards and k–12 physical education standards, to promote effective physical education programs.
Social and Emotional Development in Early Learning Settings
(National Conference of State Legislatures)
This policy brief provides information on how social and emotional learning is supported in early learning settings and how some state leaders are supporting social and emotional well-being in the early years.
Social and Emotional Development Matters: Taking Action Now for Future Generations
(Pennsylvania State University)
This broad policy brief indicates several steps with actions to take at every level (federal, state, district, school, classroom, and home) to integrate social and emotional learning (SEL) into a whole child approach.
Social and Emotional Learning and Development, Conditions for Learning, and Whole Child Supports in ESSA State Plans
(Council of Chief State School Officers; EducationCounsel)
This brief examines key opportunities that the Every Student Succeeds Act presents to states to specifically advance social and emotional learning and development, positive conditions for learning, and whole child supports.
Social, Emotional, and Academic Development Through an Equity Lens
(The Education Trust)
This report highlights the importance of an asset-based approach to social, emotional, and academic development and offers six recommendations for school and district leaders to promote equity.
Social-Emotional Learning and Equity
(National Equity Project)
This webpage highlights potential pitfalls and provides guidance on how to avoid them as schools advance equity and inclusion in the implementation of social and emotional learning (SEL).
State Bright Spots: SEL and the American Rescue Plan
(Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning)
This brief highlights policy innovations and state investments for promoting social and emotional learning for students, including a spotlight of American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act spending plans in 12 states.
State Case Studies: SEL With Career and Workforce Development
(Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning)
These state case studies highlight efforts to integrate social-emotional learning with career and workforce development in Delaware, Kansas, and Wisconsin.
The State Education Agency’s Role in Supporting Equitable Student-Centered Learning
(Council of Chief State School Officers)
This guide highlights ways to transform learning environments to support student-centered learning experiences, key characteristics of student-centered learning, and examples of student-centered learning from states across the country.
State SEL Resource Center
(Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning)
The CASEL Collaborating States Initiative (CSI) aims to help state education agencies create policies to implement evidence-based social and emotional learning. This website provides guidance and resources that states in the CSI have used to engage in this work.
Supporting Evidence-Based SEL Programs: What State Policymakers Can Do
(Pennsylvania State University’s Edna Bennett Pierce Prevention Research Center)
This brief offers insights on the local selection and implementation of high-quality, evidence-based social and emotional learning (SEL) programs to create conditions that support systemic SEL across states. It also provides an overview of the CASEL Program Guide’s selection of high-quality, evidence-based SEL programs.
Supporting Learning for Students With Disabilities
(National Association of State Boards of Education)
This issue of the State Education Standard focuses on supporting learning for students with disabilities. Authors debunk myths, identify challenges in policy that limit postsecondary success, and highlight approaches and evidence-based practices for serving students with disabilities effectively.
A Systems Focus to Improve School Readiness
(Education Commission of the States)
This report explores the facets of school readiness beyond literacy and math and highlights more than 15 innovative state programs and policies. The report also outlines new federal funds available for school readiness under the American Rescue Plan.
Teaching for Meaningful Learning: A Review of Research on Inquiry-Based and Cooperative Learning
This report summarizes research on inquiry-based learning, components of effective inquiry-based assignments, and implementation challenges to engage in this work.
Teaching the Way Students Learn Best: Lessons From Bronxdale High School
(Learning Policy Institute)
This case study of Bronxdale High School in New York City provides an in-depth look at how one successful school serving diverse learners organizes its structures and practices consistent with knowledge rooted in the science of learning and development.
The Three Highest Priority Investments to Make in SEL with American Rescue Plan Dollars
(Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning)
The American Rescue Plan Act offers an opportunity to invest in systemic approaches to social and emotional learning (SEL). CASEL’s policy brief identifies three areas to bolster systemic implementation of SEL: (1) promotion of SEL for students, (2) support for adult SEL, and (3) alignment of SEL efforts across schools and communities.
Universal Design for Learning Guidelines
These guidelines are meant to provide concrete strategies to guide the implementation of a Universal Design for Learning framework in any learning environment and are accompanied by videos, FAQs, and additional resources.
Virtual Briefing: SEL Policy to Foster Connection after Trauma
(Committee for Children; America Forward; National University; Learning Policy Institute; Urban Assembly)
In this briefing, students, members of Congress, and experts in child development discuss the importance of SEL concepts and how they can be advanced through federal policy.
Webisode Series: Educating Future-Ready Students
(Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning)
This five-part webisode series aims to support state and district leaders in bridging social and emotional learning and career and workforce development.
What Is Culturally Responsive Teaching?
This resource summarizes the importance of culturally responsive teaching and what it looks like in practice.
Redesigning Curriculum, Instruction, Assessments, and Accountability Systems
Support Authentic Systems of Assessment
Assess What Students Need
(Learning Policy Institute)
This section of the Restarting and Reinventing School: Learning in the Time of COVID and Beyond report addresses how educators and policymakers can assess the needs of the whole child, prioritize assessments that focus on growth, support the development of knowledge and skills for formative assessment, and move toward systems of assessments for learning.
Best Practices in Universal Screening for Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Outcomes: An Implementation Guide
(School Mental Health Collaborative)
This guide summarizes research-based best practices and resources for selecting, implementing, and using data from universal social, emotional, and behavioral screening.
California Performance Assessment Collaborative
(Learning Policy Institute)
The California Performance Assessment Collaborative (CPAC) represents educators, policymakers, and researchers who are working to study and advance the use of authentic approaches to assessment. This webpage provides more information about the collaborative and performance assessment profiles that describe how several districts and schools are engaging in this work.
Developing and Measuring Higher Order Skills: Models for State Performance Assessment Systems
(Learning Policy Institute; Council of Chief State School Officers)
This report outlines four models for integrating performance-based components into assessment systems and what is needed to ensure validity, reliability, and comparability of such assessments.
Formative Assessment and Next-Generation Assessment Systems: Are We Losing an Opportunity?
(Council of Chief State School Officers)
This paper serves as a catalyst and resource for ongoing conversations and planning on formative assessments and next-generation assessment systems. It describes why it is critical to make the distinction that formative assessment is not a tool but a process that is true to the practice of effective teaching and learning.
High-Quality Early Childhood Assessment: Learning From States’ Use of Kindergarten Entry Assessments
(Learning Policy Institute)
This report examines prior research on assessing young children, scans state and district kindergarten entry assessment (KEA) practices, and highlights promising examples to illuminate how KEAs can support equitable learning. It also provides insights into how to choose high-quality assessments, the implications of different assessment choices, and how to effectively use KEAs as part of strong statewide early learning assessment systems.
Keeping Students at the Center With Culturally Relevant Performance Assessments
(Next Generation Learning Challenges)
This blog post examines the importance of culturally relevant performance assessments and lessons from California and Hawaii.
Next-Generation Assessment
(National Association of State Boards of Education)
This issue of NASBE’s State Education Standard discusses how state policy leaders can reexamine their assessment systems to address long-standing challenges.
The Promise of Performance Assessments: Innovations in High School Learning and Higher Education Admissions
(Learning Policy Institute)
This report describes a number of highly effective k–12 performance assessment systems in the United States and abroad and includes an appendix on current state policies supporting performance assessment.
Reimagining College Access: Performance Assessments From K–12 Through Higher Education
(Learning Policy Institute; EducationCounsel)
This initiative is a national effort dedicated to fostering deeper learning and the use of performance assessments in k–12 education and higher education admissions, placement, and advising decisions.
SEL Assessment Guide
(Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning)
This interactive guide provides resources to help school leaders and practitioners select and use assessments of students’ social and emotional learning.
Uses and Misuses of Kindergarten Readiness Assessment Results
(Start Early)
This report is intended to help state and local policymakers understand kindergarten readiness, how it is assessed, and the beneficial uses of kindergarten readiness assessments.
Using End-of-Year Assessments for Learning, Reflection, and Celebration
(Learning Policy Institute)
This blog post by LPI Director of Strategic Initiatives Monica Martinez discusses how end-of-year reflective practices create opportunities for students to review their work, explore their accomplishments and areas for growth, and think deeply about their own learning.
Using Performance Assessments to Support Student Learning
(Learning Policy Institute)
This report builds on the work of the California Performance Assessment Collaborative by documenting performance assessment initiatives in three California districts.
Redesigning Curriculum, Instruction, Assessments, and Accountability Systems
Adopt a Comprehensive Accountability System for Continuous Improvement
Accountability for College and Career Readiness: Developing a New Paradigm
(Stanford Center for Opportunity Policy in Education)
This report outlines principles for effective accountability systems that support the preparation of college- and career-ready students.
Advancing Educational Equity for Underserved Youth: How New State Accountability Systems Can Support School Inclusion and Student Success
(Learning Policy Institute)
This report describes how the Every Student Succeeds Act provides an opportunity for states to support historically underserved students through the selection of specific equity measures in their accountability and improvement systems, as well as through necessary investments in school designs and practices.
Connecting Commitments, Principles, and Practices to Strategically Address Equity and Improvement
(Council of Chief State School Officers)
This resource examines three frameworks, Leading for Equity: Opportunities for State Education Chiefs, Principles of Effective School Improvement Systems, and Four Domains for Rapid School Improvement: A Systems Framework, and offers equity-focused recommendations to improve school and student performance.
Disaggregated Data: Not Just a Box Checking Exercise
(Data Quality Campaign; Learning Heroes; National PTA)
This brief provides guidance for state leaders on how to make school data more accessible so that communities can use it to advocate for students and schools.
Encouraging Social and Emotional Learning in the Context of New Accountability
(Learning Policy Institute)
This brief offers recommendations on how state agencies might measure and promote social and emotional learning in their accountability systems and continuous improvement plans.
ESSA’s Fifth Indicator: A NASBE Policy Update Series
(National Association of State Boards of Education)
This NASBE policy update explores five frequently discussed indicators: career and technical education, school climate and student discipline, social and emotional learning, chronic absenteeism, and access to high-level coursework.
Evolving Coherent Systems of Accountability for Next Generation Learning: A Decision Framework
(Council of Chief State School Officers)
This framework is intended to support states that are interested in redesigning their accountability systems to align with “next generation” learning models that focus on college and career readiness.
The Iceberg Problem: How Assessment and Accountability Policies Cause Learning Gaps in Math to Persist Below the Surface ... and What to Do About It
(New Classrooms)
This interactive report based on an instructional program argues that the cumulative nature of math learning demands assessments that span multiple grade levels and explains how policymakers can move away from grade-level assessments.
Making ESSA’s Equity Promise Real: State Strategies to Close the Opportunity Gap
(Learning Policy Institute)
This report shows how a number of states are taking advantage of opportunities in the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) to address disparities, make schools more inclusive, and help all students succeed.
Next Generation Accountability: A Vision for School Improvement Under ESSA
(Learning Policy Institute)
This report offers guidance for state policymakers as they design and implement new accountability systems that move beyond schooling “in which no child is left behind” to a system in which “children are healthy and thriving.”
Redesigning School Accountability and Support: Progress in Pioneering States
(Learning Policy Institute; Stanford Center for Opportunity in Education)
This report documents the progress of 10 pioneering states to transform their systems of accountability to provide meaningful learning opportunities for all students.
Shining a Light on Equity: Opportunities to Use Data to Serve All Students
(Data Quality Campaign)
This brief provides an overview of how states can use data to improve transparency and support equity.
Redesigning Curriculum, Instruction, Assessments, and Accountability Systems
Strengthen Distance and Blended Learning Models
Attendance Playbook: Smart Solutions for Reducing Chronic Absenteeism in the COVID Era
(Attendance Works; FutureEd)
This playbook provides a detailed, three-tiered approach to addressing a lack of student attendance whether classes are held in person or online. The playbook also includes a section to help policymakers and educators ensure that their interventions align with evidence-based school improvement measures.
Blended Learning Models and Best Practices From Blended
(Mind Research Institute)
This blog post provides a definition of blended learning and depicts three different instructional models for putting it into practice.
Five Questions State Boards Should Ask about Accelerated Learning
(National Association of State Boards of Education)
Based on 2020 estimates, k–12 students lost about seven months of instructional time on average due to school building closures, with Black and Hispanic students and students from low-income families falling furthest behind. This brief offers five questions state leaders should ask to support students' academic growth through accelerated learning.
ISTE Standards: Students
(International Society for Technology in Education)
This interactive webpage provides a framework to support learning and teaching in the digital age, including videos on seven standards for leveraging technology.
Remote Learning in Early Childhood
(National Association of State Boards of Education)
This research brief outlines several ways states can support effective remote learning for young learners that is rooted in child development theories and practices.
Restart and Recovery: Considerations for Teaching and Learning
(Council of Chief State School Officers)
This resource includes strategies for states to consider as they support districts in adapting instruction due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Strengthen Distance and Blended Learning
(Learning Policy Institute)
This section of the Restarting and Reinventing School: Learning in the Time of COVID and Beyond report discusses how educators and policymakers can share efforts among districts, focus on early childhood learning, develop standards for digital learning, focus on equity, and shift from measuring seat time to engagement.
Supporting Learning in the COVID-19 Context
(Policy Analysis for California Education)
This research brief provides 10 recommendations with accompanying resources for implementing distance and blended learning.
Building Adult Capacity and Expertise
Design Educator Preparation Systems for Whole Child Learning and Development
Battelle for Kids website
This website provides resources to support learning, including a framework for 21st-century learning and an early learning guide.
Building Adult Capacity for Social and Emotional Learning
This video, a part Edutopia’s How Learning Happens series, examines the role adults play in supporting students’ development of social and emotional skills and knowledge.
Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond on Preparing and Developing Effective School Principals and School Leaders
(National Governors Association)
In this webinar, Linda Darling-Hammond, President and CEO of the Learning Policy Institute, explores how effective principals positively impact teachers and learning environments and shares best practices for preparing and supporting future principals.
Early Childhood Essentials: A Framework for Aligning Child Skills and Educator Competencies
(Learning Policy Institute)
This report describes the essential skills and competencies children should be acquiring before they enter kindergarten and how childhood educators can provide high-quality early learning experiences.
Educator Learning to Enact the Science of Learning and Development
(Learning Policy Institute)
Research advances in neuroscience and the developmental and learning sciences have provided us with important insights about how people learn and develop, which points to important transformations in teaching practice and educator development. This report synthesizes research on how to support educators in developing the knowledge, skills, and dispositions associated with developing the whole child.
Educator Preparation Laboratory website
This network of teacher and leader preparation programs supports research, policy, and practice aimed at helping practitioners use the science of learning and development to support equitable deeper learning. EdPrepLab provides resources and policy exemplars that enable improvements in educator preparation policy and practice.
Leveraging Relicensure Policies to Advance Deeper Learning
(National Association of State Boards of Education)
This NASBE policy update examines how state boards of education can update relicensure policies to include multiple tiers that support educators throughout their careers.
Prepare Educators for Reinventing Schools
(Learning Policy Institute)
This section of the Restarting and Reinventing School: Learning in the Time of COVID and Beyond report addresses how policymakers and educators can prepare educators to match current needs, including investing in high-quality educator preparation, transforming educator learning opportunities, supporting mentoring and new teacher roles, creating collaboration, and taking the long view to address teacher shortages.
Preparing School Leaders for a Changing World: Lessons From Exemplary Leadership Development Programs
(Stanford Educational Leadership Institute)
This report examines eight exemplary pre- and in-service principal development programs.
Preparing Teachers for Deeper Learning
(Learning Policy Institute)
This brief describes how seven teacher preparation programs—Bank Street College, High Tech High, Montclair State University, San Francisco Teacher Residency, Trinity University, and University of Colorado Denver—are designing ways to equip future teachers with skills and mindsets for 21st-century learning.
Preparing Teachers to Support Social and Emotional Learning: A Case Study of San Jose State University and Lakewood Elementary School
(Learning Policy Institute)
This two-part study examines how preservice and in-service teacher training can support productive teaching strategies and implement social and emotional learning in schools, offering implications for preservice teacher education programs, schools, and policy.
Preparing Wisconsin Teachers: Research and Recommendations for Licensure and Program Approval
(Learning Policy Institute)
This report examines teacher licensure and preparation program approval systems in Wisconsin. It assesses how these systems are advancing the preparation of a stable, diverse, well-qualified, and equitably distributed teacher workforce to support all students’ deeper learning and social, emotional, and academic development.
Promising Models for Preparing a Diverse, High-Quality Early Childhood Workforce in California
(Learning Policy Institute)
This report offers practitioners and policymakers an opportunity to learn from promising programs that recruit and prepare diverse cohorts of educators to teach in programs serving children birth to age 5 in California.
Supporting Principals’ Learning: Key Features of Effective Programs
(Learning Policy Institute)
This report outlines key features of effective preparation and professional development programs for school leaders.
To Reach the Students, Teach the Teachers: A National Scan of Teacher Preparation and Social & Emotional Learning
(Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning)
This report provides a national scan on the degree to which social and emotional learning is incorporated into state certification requirements and educator preparation programs.
Building Adult Capacity and Expertise
Adopt Proactive Teacher Recruitment And Retention Strategies
Addressing Teacher Shortages: Investing in a Strong Educator Workforce
This virtual summit examined effective policies and practices to address acute and long-term teacher shortages by developing a strong, stable, and diverse workforce. Teacher preparation experts discussed approaches to teacher preparation, recruitment, and retention that are effective and sustainable and that ultimately foster equity for the nation’s students.
Building a Diverse Teacher Workforce
(Education Commission of the States)
This policy brief examines the benefits of increasing the racial and ethnic diversity of educators in k–12 classrooms and provides examples of states that are taking action to increase educator diversity.
Building a Strong and Diverse Teaching Profession
(Partnership for the Future of Learning)
This playbook offers a comprehensive set of strategies to recruit, prepare, develop, and retain high-quality teachers and bring greater racial, ethnic, and linguistic diversity to the profession. Resources include examples of legislation and research-based policies; a curated list of publications, by topic, for further reading; and a guide to talking about teacher shortages and strengthening the profession.
Early Childhood Workforce Index 2020
(Center for the Study of Child Care Employment)
This comprehensive report provides information on early child care salaries as well as policy recommendations to improve the quality of both the workforce and job conditions.
Educator Expectations, Qualifications, and Earnings: Shared Challenges and Divergent Systems in ECE and K–12
(Center for the Study of Child Care Employment)
This brief examines qualification requirements and earnings for early learning and k–12 educators.
Elementary School Principals’ Professional Learning: Current Status and Future Needs
(National Association of Secondary School Principals; Learning Policy Institute)
The Learning Policy Institute and the National Association of Elementary School Principals recently released the results of a new survey of elementary school principals on access to high-quality professional learning. The report highlights several ways state policymakers can leverage federal funding under the Every Student Succeeds Act to support access to high-quality professional learning opportunities.
Equipping Teachers
(National Association of State Boards of Education)
This resource provides diverse perspectives on ways to attract, retain, and equip high-quality teachers and improve the capacity of school systems to support them.
From Information to Implementation: Combatting Shortages of Educators Serving Students With Disabilities
(Council for Exceptional Children; CEEDAR Center)
This 12-part webinar series focuses on evidence-based strategies to strengthen and diversify the special education workforce.
Inequitable Opportunity to Learn: Student Access to Certified and Experienced Teachers
(Learning Policy Institute)
This report examines data from the U.S. Department of Education’s Civil Rights Data Collection to assess the degree to which students of color have access to certified and experienced teachers and provides policy strategies to increase student access to such teachers.
Investing in Early Childhood Workforce Recovery
(National Association of State Boards of Education)
This NASBE analysis outlines state investments in the early childhood education workforce to address teacher shortages and retention. It highlights how states have used relief funding to support compensation and benefits, mental health and well-being, and professional development for educators.
Investing in Effective School Leadership: How States are Taking Advantage of Opportunities Under ESSA
(Learning Policy Institute)
This brief summarizes the importance of principals, describes research-based practices for leadership development, and outlines promising investments in school leadership from submitted and draft state plans.
Investing in Grow Your Own Teacher Programs
(New America)
This report examines the efficacy of Grow Your Own programs, describes elements of high-quality programs, and explains how some states are supporting these initiatives.
Is Your State Prioritizing Teacher Diversity and Equity?
(The Education Trust)
This interactive tool provides information about educator diversity policies across the country, such as making educator diversity data visible and actionable to stakeholders and investing in educator preparation programs to increase enrollment and improve the preparation of teachers of color.
National Center for Teacher Residencies website
The National Center for Teacher Residencies provides support to residency programs and resources that highlights best practices and lessons learned from residencies.
Prepared to Teach
(Bank Street College of Education)
This webpage provides resources to help districts, states, and preparation programs develop funding streams to support high-quality preparation.
Preparing Diverse, Effective Teachers Through Residencies and Induction
(National Association of State Boards of Education)
This resource explores how some states are addressing educator diversity through teacher residency and induction programs.
Preparing School Leaders for Crises
(National Association of State Boards of Education)
This analysis highlights state efforts to strengthen the pipeline of principals, align policies that affect the career cycle, and better support principals.
PSEL 2015 and Promoting Principal Leadership for the Success of Students With Disabilities
(Council of Chief State School Officers)
This resource summarizes effective educational leadership, identifies key leadership competencies, and provides strategies and recommendations that chief state school officers and state education agencies can take to support principal leadership that best serves students with disabilities.
Resources: Teacher Shortages in the United States
(Learning Policy Institute)
This page gathers the latest resources on teacher shortages that can provide useful background and data on this issue.
State Action: Strategies for Building the Teacher Pipeline
(Council of Chief State School Officers)
This report examines issues affecting the teacher pipeline and how some states are addressing six pipeline challenges: (1) elevating the profession; (2) making teaching financially appealing; (3) expanding innovative pathways; (4) bringing more diversity to the workforce; (5) setting reasonable expectations for retaining teachers; and (6) using data to target strategies where shortages exist.
Strategies in Pursuit of Pre-K Teacher Compensation Parity: Lessons From Seven States and Cities
(Center for the Study of Child Care Employment; National Institute for Early Education Research)
This report examines parity policies in Alabama, Georgia, New Jersey, Oregon, West Virginia, New York City, and San Antonio and describes their strategies for increasing compensation.
Supporting a Strong, Stable Principal Workforce: What Matters and What Can Be Done
(National Association of Secondary School Principals; Learning Policy Institute)
This report describes the importance of school principals, reasons they leave, and policy strategies for principal retention and effectiveness.
T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood National Center website
The Center provides information for early childhood stakeholders and policymakers on the importance of a well-prepared and paid early childhood workforce.
Tackling Teacher and Principal Shortages in Rural Areas
(National Conference of State Legislatures)
This brief examines teacher and principal shortages in rural areas and highlights state and federal actions that address this issue.
Taking the Long View: State Efforts to Solve Teacher Shortages by Strengthening the Profession
(Learning Policy Institute)
This report focuses on six evidence-based policies that states are pursuing to address their teacher shortages while also strengthening their educator workforces. The report also identifies policies in 40 states aimed at recruiting and retaining a stable, well-prepared teaching force.
Teacher Shortages Take Center Stage
(Learning Policy Institute)
This blog examines factors that have influenced teacher shortages across the country and how some states and districts are responding to shortages. For more information about strategies to address teacher shortages, read an earlier blog that outlines what states and districts can do to recruit and retain teachers.
Understanding Teacher Compensation: A State-by-State Analysis
(Learning Policy Institute)
To help contextualize how compensation aids efforts to attract and retain a strong and diverse teacher workforce, this analysis captures three wage indicators for public school teachers for each state and how they compare to national averages.
A Vision and Guidance for a Diverse and Learner-Ready Teacher Workforce
(Council of Chief State School Officers)
This resource is designed to identify policy levers state education agencies have to ensure that students have access to diverse and learner-ready teachers.
Building Adult Capacity and Expertise
Support High-Quality Mentoring and Induction Programs
High Quality Mentoring and Instructional Coaching Practices
(New Teacher Center)
This resource provides guidance for education leaders seeking to create or improve mentoring and coaching practices that support educator retention and development as well as student learning.
Mentor Practice Standards
(New Teacher Center)
This resource outlines foundational, structural, and instructional standards to strengthen teacher effectiveness, address retention issues, build leadership, and support student learning and equitable outcomes.
Mentoring & Induction Toolkit 2.0: Supporting Teachers in High-Need Contexts
(American Institutes for Research)
This toolkit is a ready-to-use resources for states working closely with districts to build strong mentoring and induction programs.
State Mentoring Policies Key to Supporting Novice Teachers
(National Association of State Boards of Education)
This policy update describes research and state examples of how states can support novice teachers and address turnover.
Building Adult Capacity and Expertise
Promote High-Quality Professional Development Linked to Growth-Oriented Evaluation Systems
Creating Effective Professional Learning Communities
This article explains how professional learning communities can be designed to help teachers innovate in the classroom and improve student outcomes.
Effective Teacher Professional Development
(Learning Policy Institute)
This report identifies seven shared features of effective professional development and offers implications for policy and practice.
Empowered Educators: How High-Performing Systems Shape Teaching Quality Around the World
(National Center on Education and the Economy)
This policy brief describes professional learning opportunities in high-performing countries, including Australia, Canada, China, Finland, and Singapore.
The Informal Formative Assessment Cycle as a Model for Teacher Practice
(STEM Teaching Tools)
This research brief summarizes and illustrates, through examples of informal assessment conversations, the nature of informal formative assessment and its connection to student learning.
Measures of Effective Teaching (MET) Project
(Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation)
This project aims to examine how evaluation methods could be used to inform educators about the skills that make them effective and help districts identify quality teaching.
Micro-Credential Policy Map
(Digital Promise)
This interactive map provides information on micro-credential policies and implementation across the United States.
(National Education Association)
This resource provides access to over 175 micro-credential offerings from the National Education Association.
Micro-Credentials for Teachers: What Three Early Adopter States Have Learned So Far
(American Institutes for Research)
This report summarizes research on micro-credentials, how some states are using them, and learnings from Arkansas, Delaware, and Tennessee.
National Board for Professional Teaching Standards website
This website offers information on board-certified teachers and a range of resources, such as an interactive map of board-certified teachers across the United States and model policy language.
Principles for Teacher Support and Evaluation Systems
(Council of Chief State School Officers)
This resource highlights three key principles to support state education chiefs in developing educators through evaluation and support systems.
A Quality Teacher in Every Classroom: Creating A Teacher Evaluation System That Works for California
(National Board Resource Center at Stanford University)
This report examines research on teacher evaluation and provides recommendations to advance the quality of teaching across California.
SEL Professional Development Courses
(Inspire Teaching and Learning)
Sanford Inspire offers 45 free evidence-based and on-demand courses designed to support social and emotional learning in p–12 classrooms. The courses are designed with step-by-step implementation and support guides developed by educators and researchers to support implementation of Sanford Inspire in districts.
Seven Lessons Learned From Implementing Micro-Credentials
(Friday Institute)
This report highlights seven lessons learned from integrating micro-credentials into professional learning.
Share My Lesson
(American Federation of Teachers)
This webpage offers a range of resources, such as assessments, lesson plans, instructional activities, and webinars, for preschool to high school educators.
Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) for Educators
(Friday Institute)
This online course aims to help educators integrate SEL throughout academic instruction and the school day.
Teaching the Whole Child: Instructional Practices That Support Social-Emotional Learning in Three Teacher Evaluation Frameworks
(American Institutes for Research)
This brief describes instructional practices that support student social and emotional learning and highlights three evaluation frameworks that include academic as well as social-emotional competencies.
Building Adult Capacity and Expertise
Support Educator and Staff Well-Being
A Comprehensive Guide to Adult SEL
This guide offers worksheets, templates, and other resources to support the social and emotional learning of school adults.
School Leaders’ Role in Empowering Teachers Through SEL
(National Association of State Boards of Education)
This resource summarizes the importance of addressing the social and emotional needs of educators and highlights several states that are engaging in this work.
Social and Emotional Supports for Educators During and After the Pandemic
(Center for American Progress)
This brief provides information on the impact the pandemic is having on educators and recommendations to support educators’ social and emotional needs.
Supporting Educators Through Employee Wellness Initiatives
(National Association of State Boards of Education)
This NASBE policy update describes how some states are supporting the physical and emotional well-being of educators and school leaders.
Teacher Stress and Health
(Pennsylvania State University)
This brief describes the sources and effects of teacher stress, highlighting programs and policies that can address this issue.
Investing Resources Equitably and Efficiently
Adopt Adequate and Equitable School Funding Formulas
5 Things State Leaders Should Do to Advance Equity: State Funding Systems
(The Education Trust)
This fact sheet provides weights and other equity measures that states can better incorporate into post-COVID-19 funding formulas.
Annual Survey of School System Finances
(U.S. Census Bureau)
This resource provides information on education finance data of elementary and secondary public schools.
The California Way: The Golden State’s Quest to Build an Equitable and Excellent Education System
(Learning Policy Institute)
This report analyzes the forces that contributed to passage of the Local Control Funding Formula and concurrent reforms and the implications of these efforts for implementation and outcomes.
California’s Students in Foster Care: Challenges and Promising Practices
(Learning Policy Institute)
This report sheds light on the needs, characteristics, and outcomes of California students living in foster care and promising practices to better support them.
Common Sense and Fairness: Model Policies for State Education Funding
This report and accompanying toolkit provide model policies for state school funding formulas, describe benefits and challenges of different approaches, and include examples of states implementing these recommendations.
The Design of the Rhode Island School Funding Formula: Toward a Coherent System of Allocating State Aid to Public Schools
(Center for American Progress)
This report discusses how Rhode Island changed its funding formula despite being in a recession in order to distribute funds more equitably across the state to serve students with the greatest needs.
Essential Building Blocks for State School Finance Systems and Promising State Practices
(Learning Policy Institute)
This report addresses critical foundational steps for effective and equitable school finance reform; describes the essential building blocks used for designing such systems; and includes a brief overview of three states that created more equitable, high-quality school finance systems.
Funding Gaps 2018: An Analysis of School Funding Equity Across the U.S. and Within Each State
(The Education Trust)
This report highlights funding inequities across the United States and includes an interactive data tool that provides information on funding gaps by level of poverty and enrollment of students of color.
How Money Matters for Schools
(Learning Policy Institute)
This 2018 report by LPI Senior Fellow Bruce Baker, Professor at Rutgers University, shows how money matters by reviewing the literature on school finance reforms.
Investing for Student Success: Lessons From State School Finance Reforms
(Learning Policy Institute)
This report examines resource inequalities in U.S. schools and research on the outcomes of school finance reforms in Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and North Carolina. The report also provides federal and state actions to support resource equity.
Lessons From a Historic Decline in Child Poverty
(Child Trends)
This report examines what led to a significant decline in the U.S. child poverty rate and provides lessons learned and policy recommendations to further reduce child poverty.
Leverage More Adequate and Equitable School Funding
(Learning Policy Institute)
This section of the Restarting and Reinventing School: Learning in the Time of COVID and Beyond report discusses how educators and policymakers can leverage federal funds for equity, adopt more equitable school funding formulas, and include preschool in school funding formulas.
Making School Budgets Whole and Equitable During and After COVID-19
(Learning Policy Institute)
This blog post outlines the magnitude of need with cost estimates and strategies that policymakers can use for their upcoming school year budgets.
Making the Grade: How Fair Is School Funding in Your State?
(Education Law Center)
This report analyzes public school funding across three measures: funding level, funding distribution, and funding efforts.
Money and Freedom: The Impact of California’s School Finance Reform on Academic Achievement and the Composition of District Spending
(Getting Down to Facts II)
This brief and accompanying video highlight how California's Local Control Funding Formula sent more money to students with the greatest need and improved student achievement in math.
Money Matters: Evidence Supporting Greater Investment in PK–12 Public Education
(Education Law Center; ETS; Learning Policy Institute)
This webinar convened leading experts on educational equity to discuss the latest research on the impacts of increased education spending in p–12 public education to improve student achievement.
Rankings and Estimates Report
(National Education Association)
This annual National Education Association report provides information on how states compare across several education and funding measures, as well as estimates on how funding in states has changed over time.
SchoolFunding.Info website
(Center for Educational Equity at Teachers College)
This website provides information on school funding litigation and education finance reform efforts.
State Education Funding: The Poverty Equation
This article delves into the reasoning behind poverty measures in funding formulas and shows how different definitions of poverty (either at the student or district level) can lead to more or less adequate funding of schools and districts most in need.
Investing Resources Equitably and Efficiently
Allocate Adequate Funding Across the Developmental Continuum
Early Care and Education State Budget Actions FY 2020
(National Conference of State Legislatures)
This report provides an overview of states’ budgets and appropriations in early care and education related to child care, pre-k, home visits, and any additional early childhood initiatives.
How States Fund Pre-K: A Primer for Policymakers
(Education Commission of the States)
This policy brief examines how states fund pre-k programs and the various funding streams that are used.
The Road to High-Quality Early Learning: Lessons From the States
(Learning Policy Institute)
This report examines how four states—Michigan, North Carolina, Washington, and West Virginia—have created high-quality early education systems. The report also provides recommendations on how states can strengthen early childhood education through multiple funding sources.
Start Strong: Supporting Early Childhood Education Through Policy
(National Association of State Boards of Education)
This report examines the importance of early childhood education and how state boards of education can support access to high-quality early learning experiences.
State of Preschool Yearbook
(National Institute for Early Education Research)
NIEER’s annual report on state efforts to expand early childhood education (ECE) includes information for every state on enrollment, funding, staffing, quality standards, and other categories to understand availability and quality of ECE.
Transforming the Financing of Early Care and Education
(The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine)
This report outlines a framework for early childhood education (ECE) funding that provides accessible high-quality experiences for children from birth to school age.
Understanding the True Cost of Child Care for Infants and Toddlers
(Center for American Progress)
This report examines data from the interactive tool “Where Does Your Child Care Dollar Go?” on the cost of care for infants and toddlers and provides state-by-state estimates on how much families and caregivers would need to spend to cover the cost of high-quality child care.
Untangling the Evidence of Preschool Effectiveness: Insights for Policymakers
(Learning Policy Institute)
This report adds to the growing consensus that the preponderance of evidence demonstrates that high-quality preschool leaves children better prepared for school, especially in terms of their academic skill development.
Where Does Your Child Care Dollar Go?
(Center for American Progress)
This interactive tool examines several elements of child care programs, such as salaries and teacher–child ratios, to help understand where child care dollars go and the cost of high-quality child care.
Young Learners, Missed Opportunities: Ensuring That Black and Latino Children Have Access to High-Quality State-Funded Preschool
(The Education Trust)
This report analyzes access to state-funded preschool programs across the country.
Investing Resources Equitably and Efficiently
Blend and Braid Federal, State, and Local Resources
50-State Comparison: K–12 and Special Education Funding
(Education Commission of the States)
This resource provides data for all states across several categories, including funding mechanism, base amount, special education funding, English language learner funding, at-risk funding for low-income students, gifted and talented funding, and small size or isolated funding.
Aligning Funding to Action to Accelerate Impact: A Fiscal Mapping Toolkit
(Jobs for the Future)
This toolkit includes a list of readiness questions, worksheets, several templates, and three case studies to help communities begin the fiscal mapping process.
Coverage of Services to Promote Children’s Mental Health: Analysis of State and Insurer Non-Compliance With Current Federal Law
(California Children’s Trust; Mental Health America; Well Being Trust)
This resource examines state Medicaid fee schedules and studies access to preventive care in mental health to assess potential compliance with current law.
Innovative Financing to Expand Services So Children Can Thrive
(Children’s Funding Project; Education Redesign Lab)
This policy brief examines 10 strategies to finance children and youth services and provides state and local examples of where each strategy has been used.
States Partnering With Educational Service Agencies to Increase Capacity, Coherence, and Equity
(Council of Chief State School Officers)
This resource aims to support state education agencies in working with their education service agencies to increase capacity, coherence, and equity.
Utilizing Integrated Resources to Implement the School and District Improvement Cycle and Supports: Guidance for Schools, Districts, and State Education Agencies
(Council of Chief State School Officers)
This resource provides guidance to create a “Strategic Performance Network,” highlighting the role of the state education agencies, local education agencies, and schools to create a cohesive system of improvement.
Investing Resources Equitably and Efficiently
Leverage and Align Federal Funds
American Rescue Plan State Funding Profiles
(National Governors Association)
This resource provides information about how each state is using American Rescue Plan funding to help state leaders collaborate across agencies and sectors.
Education Recovery Hub
(Collaborative for Student Success)
This resource provides information about how states are using federal COVID-19 recovery funds and elevates innovative practices to help schools recover from the pandemic.
Federal Funding Streams and Strategies to Improve Conditions for Learning: A Resource Guide for States
(Council of Chief State School Officers)
This resource outlines federal funding sources that can be used by states to improve conditions for learning and strategies for states to engage in this work.
The Federal Role in Advancing Education Equity and Excellence
(Learning Policy Institute)
This brief explains how federal policies can support high-quality teaching and learning, strengthen the education profession, fund schools adequately and equitably, and reduce the effects of poverty on children’s learning.
A Guide to Expanding Medicaid-Funded School Health Services
(Healthy Schools Campaign)
This guide provides background information on school-based Medicaid and outlines recommendations for how state leaders can leverage federal funds to expand access to school health services.
Healthy Students, Promising Futures Learning Collaborative
(Healthy Schools Campaign)
This collaborative brings state teams together to increase access to Medicaid services in schools and provides information about how to form a state team.
Investing in Our Future: Ensuring Student Access to SEL
(Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning)
This webinar provides information on ways to fund social and emotional learning, including available funding streams and how districts are maintaining momentum.
Reimagining School
(National Association of State Boards of Education)
Bolstered by American Rescue Plan funds and lessons learned during pandemic-induced school closures, state policymakers have an opportunity to reexamine and reform their education systems. NASBE’s State Education Standard offers state leaders ways they can ensure education systems meet the needs of all students and help them succeed.
Restart and Recovery: Leveraging Federal COVID Relief Funding and Medicaid to Support Student and Staff Wellbeing and Connection
(Council of Chief State School Officers)
This guide highlights how state education agencies and local education agencies can use Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds to support well-being and connection and how funds can be leveraged to sustain these efforts.
Seven Questions to Ask About Leveraging American Rescue Plan Funds
(National Association of State Boards of Education)
This NASBE analysis offers seven key questions to support state boards of education in taking stock as their American Rescue Plan state plans unfold.
States Build Support for Students Who Are Homeless
(National Association of State Boards of Education)
This NASBE analysis highlights the efforts of states that used federal funding to expand initiatives to support students experiencing homelessness.
The Three Highest Priority Investments to Make in SEL with American Rescue Plan Dollars
(Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning)
The American Rescue Plan Act offers an opportunity to invest in systemic approaches to social and emotional learning (SEL). CASEL’s policy brief identifies three areas to bolster systemic implementation of SEL: (1) promotion of SEL for students, (2) support for adult SEL, and (3) alignment of SEL efforts across schools and communities.
Using ARP Funds to Redesign Schools for Whole Child Equity
(Science of Learning and Development Alliance)
This brief provides states and districts with policy recommendations from the science of learning and development, showing how to use American Rescue Plan Act funds to design learning environments that support young people as they recover from the pandemic and accelerate their learning and development.
Using ESSER Funds for Building Strong Relationships and Social-Emotional Supports
(Education Research Strategies)
This guide examines how districts and schools can use resources to ensure students have a network of strong relationships and social-emotional supports to learn and thrive.
Investing Resources Equitably and Efficiently
Invest in Community Schools and Integrated Student Supports
Analyzing the Resource Landscape
(Center for Optimized Student Support)
This practice brief provides information about how to analyze the resource landscape, such as how to identify resources, organize school and community resources, and utilize and expand existing resources, as well as next steps for schools and community organizations to develop partnerships.
Community Schools Forward
(Center for Universal Education at the Brookings Institution; Children’s Aid National Center for Community Schools; Coalition for Community Schools at the Institute for Educational Leadership; Learning Policy Institute)
In response to growing momentum to implement community schools, the Community Schools Forward project brought together national and local community school practitioners, researchers, policymakers, and advocates to create resources for aligning, scaling, and building effective and sustainable community schools.
Community Schools Playbook
(Partnership for the Future of Learning)
This playbook defines the fundamentals of community schools and includes resources grounded in the four pillars of a comprehensive strategy.
Community Schools: An Evidence-Based Strategy for Equitable School Improvement
(Learning Policy Institute; National Education Policy Center)
This policy brief examines the research on community schools, including whether they meet ESSA’s standard as an evidence-based intervention, and provides support for school, district, and state leaders as they consider community school approaches.
Enhancing School-Based Health Services
(National Association of State Boards of Education)
This analysis highlights ways states are taking advantage of federal funding streams to expand school-based health services and offers questions state leaders can ask to elevate this issue.
Financing Community Schools: A Framework for Growth and Sustainability
(Partnership for the Future of Learning)
This finance brief discusses community school funding in depth and provides a framework for financing community schools and examples of how community schools at varying stages of development can identify and implement financing strategies.
How to Finance a School Coordinator?
(Center for Optimized Student Support)
This practice brief outlines financing strategies that are used by districts and communities to fund a school coordinator.
Leveraging Resources Through Community Schools: The Role of Technical Assistance
(Learning Policy Institute)
This brief examines how local government and nonprofit agencies in two California counties—Alameda and Los Angeles—have provided technical assistance to support community school initiatives.
Professional Learning Series on Community Schools
(U.S. Department of Education; American Federation of Teachers; Coalition for Community Schools; Learning Policy Institute; National Center for Community Schools; Netter Center for Community Partnerships; National Education Association)
This six-part learning series takes an in-depth look at how community schools can transform student learning and outcomes by lifting up best practices and identifying how federal relief funds have been used to support community schools.
Recent Funding Approaches and Sources for Community Schools
(Child Trends)
This resource identifies sources of federal, state, local, and private funding to community schools and elevates recent research on community schools’ funding approaches and sources.
Road to Recovery: How States Are Using ESSER Funds to Support Student and Staff Well-Being
(Council of Chief State School Officers)
This report details how states are taking different approaches to using federal Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief funding to support student and staff well-being and mental health in response to the specific needs of their communities.
State Funding for Student Mental Health
(Education Commission of the States)
This policy brief outlines common sources of funding for several types of mental health programs for k–12 students and the ways in which states currently allocate those funds. It also includes a scan of how each state funds student mental health services.
Technical Assistance for Community Schools: Enabling Strong Implementation
(Learning Policy Institute)
This brief offers examples from the National Center for Community Schools and from New York, New Mexico, and California showing how technical assistance for community schools can build capacity through consultation, training, coaching, and knowledge building.
To Address Student Well-Being, States Increase Access to Mental Health in Schools
(National Conference of State Legislators)
One way legislators have been working to address student well-being has been through legislation that focuses on the ratios of mental health professionals to students. This article covers recent state actions as well as previously enacted legislation.
A Whole Child Approach to School Improvement Under ESSA: Support for Students in Low-Performing Schools
(Communities In Schools; Learning Policy Institute)
This report examines how state and local education agencies can use requirements under the Every Student Succeeds Act to ensure students have access to supports that will help them succeed.
Investing Resources Equitably and Efficiently
Close the Digital Divide
Broadband Access and the Digital Divides
(Education Commission of the States)
This policy brief outlines three key elements for policymakers to consider: the absence of availability, the lack of affordability, and unequal access to internet connection. The brief also provides examples of how some states are addressing these elements.
Close the Digital Divide
(Learning Policy Institute)
This section of the Restarting and Reinventing School: Learning in the Time of COVID and Beyond report addresses how educators and policymakers can prioritize federal efforts to close the digital divide, expand broadband access, and organize access to devices and connectivity.
Closing the Digital Divide: Inside Cleveland’s Plan to Treat Broadband Like a Public Utility Service—and to Pay for Every Student to Get Online
(The 74)
This article examines how Cleveland Public School leaders are working with a local nonprofit to ensure all students have internet access.
Closing the K–12 Digital Divide in the Age of Distance Learning
(Boston Consulting Group; Common Sense)
This report analyzes the digital divide for America’s k–12 public school students and teachers and provides strategies for moving forward to close the digital divide.
How States Are Expanding Broadband Access
(The Pew Charitable Trusts)
This report identifies and explores promising practices for connecting unserved communities through examples in nine states.
Students of Color Caught in the Homework Gap
This interactive report allows readers to visualize the extent of the digital divide in their area and provides cost estimates for ensuring broadband access for all students at home.
Survey Shows Parents Alarmed as Kids’ Screen Time Skyrockets During COVID-19 Crisis
This April 2020 article reveals the results of a national survey of parents, who are concerned about increased screen time as well as the need for developmentally safe social media platforms to help children stay connected.
What Are States Doing to Close the Digital Divide?
(Benton Institute for Broadband & Society)
This resource examines how some states are expanding broadband access, focusing on a report from the Pew Charitable Trusts that analyzes how nine states are engaging in this work.